Top 3 Bin Fresheners Products

Keep your bins fresh and odor-free with these top bin fresheners. Check out the reviews and find out where to grab them.

What people say

61 reviews from 4 shops
“This product is already a firm favourite in our household along with the other variant - citrus scent - so was pleased to receive a freebie! I sprinkle this powder in both the bottom of my kitchen bin and in my recycling gorilla tub and it not only stops smells but also absorbs any accidental spillages”
“I think that this is a brilliant product”

Where to buy


What people say

56 reviews from 2 shops
“I think in the summer months it will come in handy”
“Love this product - makes bin smell much better and easy to use and good price”

Where to buy


What people say

56 reviews from 2 shops
“I LOVE this product! We had a smelly nappy bin that had resisted all attempts at freshening - bleach”
“This is great for preventing or alternatively killing flies and maggots in your bin”

Where to buy
