Top 18 Chicken Stock Cubes Products

Get the tastiest chicken dishes with the best chicken stock cubes. Check out their reviews and grab them at a store near you.

What people say

857 reviews from 7 shops
“These are by far my favourite stock cubes! I have tried many different makes and flavours but these reign supreme for me! Amazing in soups”
“I think these are fantastic and very very tasty easy to use and after checking out the prices at the super market thought they a great values for money”

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What people say

505 reviews from 7 shops
“This is a regular item on my shopping list love the taste of cinnamon through it also full of fruit just wish the price was a bit cheaper feel its expensive for such a small loaf”
“These oxo cubes produce consistent results and add something special to a boring meal”

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What people say

844 reviews from 6 shops
“These are no different to the regular Knorr chicken cubes when used in cooking”
“These are so handy to have in the cupboard when you need to boost your meals with some full flavoured power in such a small cube”

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What people say

277 reviews from 5 shops
“These reduced salt chicken stock cubes are rather tasty”
“These and the reduced salt Beef Oxo cubes are just as lovely as the full salted versions but obviously have allot less salt in them so they are better for you”

Where to buy


What people say

85 reviews from 1 shop
“These are closer to the Knorr stock cubes than something like OXO cubes”
“These chicken cubes are actually quite good for the price i would definitely buy them again !!”

Where to buy


What people say

222 reviews from 4 shops
“These kallo very low salt chicken stock cubes are nice before using them I wasn't sure what they were going to taste like and I didn't want to be disappointed but to be honest the taste was great if not better than the ones I usually use definatley a thumbs up from me and what's even better it's great with people with dietary needs :)”
“Very tasty”

Where to buy


What people say

209 reviews from 5 shops
“These really are a life saver so much flavour is in these little cubes and with zero salt its healthy too my child loves her chicken and I hate making my own stock and other are either too salty or taste nothing like chicken these how ever are yummy healthy and a easy add on u would recommend to anyone who likes to cook”
“Love the no salt”

Where to buy


What people say

241 reviews from 6 shops
“These stock cubes are excellent value and a must have item in our kitchen cupboards! Not only are they great for gravy but also very handy to make a quick chicken stock”
“The taste is good and can be added to many different dishes as well as just being drunk as a meaty warming drink”

Where to buy


What people say

5 reviews from 3 shops

Where to buy
