Top 7 Mrs Elswood Products

Crunch on the best Mrs Elswood's pickles and relish, loved by all with stores available online and near you.

What people say

179 reviews from 6 shops
“I love these - great in sandwiches or just snacking on by themselves when you feel like something sweet and tangy”
“These are the best! So yummy and it will elevate your hamburger to the next level! They're great in sandwiches and just on their own as well”

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What people say

132 reviews from 5 shops
“They are sweet and soft rather than crunchy and bitter ”
“These burger gerkins are great so tasty in a homemade burger”

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What people say

88 reviews from 3 shops
“These are simply delicious and I am forever going to the fridge and nibbling on some straight out the jar”
“These cucumbers are a welcome addition to a bowl of salad and also make a nice alternative to say mustard in a ham sandwich”

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What people say

67 reviews from 3 shops
“These are the closest to the beloved sour pickles of my youth in New York”
“The taste is great”

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What people say

8 reviews from 2 shops
“These are delicious and I am so pleased you now have them on-line”
“This product is very thinly sliced long slices of pickled cucumber”

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What people say

57 reviews from 4 shops
“Love them ”
“These are our favourites of the Mrs Elswood range”

Where to buy


What people say

13 reviews from 3 shops
“These are nicely crunchy but not iron-hard like some gherkins or pickled cues; in mild vinegar without the seizure-inducing level of acidity of some others - so that you can actually taste the cue”
“These sweet cucumbers are fantastic just to nibble on”

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