Top 5 Sabra Products

Get your snack on with Sabra - the tastiest hummus and dips you'll ever try. Check out where to buy them and read up on what your fellow foodies have to say.

What people say

749 reviews from 5 shops
“Very smooth and creamy and a generous proportion of tahini unlike the rough and watery supermarket brands”
“This is great if you love super smooth Houmous - it is my daughters absolute favourite”

Where to buy


What people say

351 reviews from 2 shops
“This is creamy with a lovely smoky flavour and extremely tasty”
“This is delicious I am so glad Sainsburys stock this!”

Where to buy


What people say

241 reviews from 4 shops
“Very authentic and totally different from the usual Stuff! Creamy”
“I love the fact it lasts ages unlike other ones which you have to throw after a couple of days”

Where to buy


What people say

170 reviews from 1 shop
“This is honestly my favourite houmous ever! It is so smooth and creamy I love it so much - the only problem is the price”
“This is delicious! It has a lovely creamy texture”

Where to buy

Houmous Classic

What people say

318 reviews from 1 shop
“This is real Middle Eastern humous and not the western style ones you find in abundance in supermarkets that are often very runny and really grainy”
“This is the best commercial hummus you can find outside of the proper one made in the Middle East”

Where to buy
