Top 13 Bold Pods Products

Get a bold and satisfying vape experience with Bold Pods - check out our top-rated products and find out where to buy them.
Bold Washing Liquid
Bold Pods
Bold Spring Awakening
Bold 2 In 1
Bold Gel
Bold 2in1
Bold All In One Pods
Bold Washing Powder

What people say

6,972 reviews from 4 shops
“Love the ease of Bold pods knowing it's a measured dose and the wash results are always fantastic Bed change day and I have four lots to do I always reach for the lavender & camomile scented pods and can't wait to get in those clean sheets later on”
“These Bold pods are excellent! Leaves all my clothes smelling fresh & fragrant and extra clean too”

Where to buy


What people say

24,824 reviews from 5 shops
“I found this on offer and was absolutely amazed the scent of the clothes were vibrant and fresh left a longer lasting fragrance and the whole family commented on how great it was our clothes felt soft and energised”
“I love these bold liquid capsules same great clean fabulous bright sent!”

Where to buy


What people say

10,961 reviews from 4 shops
“These Bold Spring Awakening smell amazing and does a great job in lifting any pesky dirt off your clothing they are small and compact and easy to pop into the washing machine to get refreshing clean clothes”
“I love the ease of use of these pods! The scent is unreal! I have 2 messy children and need a detergent I can rely on to the clothes clean”

Where to buy


What people say

522 reviews from 4 shops
“Love these Bold All in 1 pods the Lavender & Camomile liquid capsules they leave all your clothes with a clean fresh & a amazing scent”
“They are no good on a quick 15min wash tho as they don't dissolve properly and end up stuck to your clothes but not to worry as the bold liquid is perfect for that”

Where to buy


What people say

3,676 reviews from 1 shop
“Love using this product with my laundry! My clothes come out smelling so clean and lovely! When I dry them inside it makes the whole home smell beautiful! It also leaves clothes so clean and fresh”
“I love bold but always used liquid then I tried the capsule and was pleasantly surprised strong scent and only needed one for my wash load will buy again!”

Where to buy


What people say

6,524 reviews from 3 shops
“These are amazing been Useing them a few months now and there give off a lovely fresh lavender sent even when washing at the local laundrette and there give off brilliant softness so there perfect for babys and grate to get mild stains out”
“I love wearing clothes washed in Bold they smell fresh and clean with a special feeling of softness on my skin”

Where to buy


What people say

3,695 reviews from 3 shops
“These little pods are amazing these are my go to I love them so much I've just tried the liquid gel as well and I can honestly say o haven't been disappointed Bold is by far the best the smell amazing and clean really well absolutely love this brand”
“These are my favourite! Smell is so important to me and these pods scent through my whole house!”

Where to buy


What people say

447 reviews from 3 shops
“These are outstanding and leave our clothes smelling clean and amazing”
“This is a change in brand for me and Wow! Fantastic cleaning power and beautiful fragrance”

Where to buy


What people say

2 reviews from 2 shops

Where to buy


What people say

3,701 reviews from 4 shops
“these bold pods with lenor were on offer so i tried the spring scent for a change and the were great they left my washing spotless with a lovely scent and supersoft feeling clothes the smell lasted for ages and made a lovely change from my usual scent”
“These are super simple to stall with an added sturdy child friendly safety lid”

Where to buy
